As an artist, I will make a transition from assigned subject matter to subject matter of my own choosing. Artists tend to make art about something other than art, in other works, artists explore and research topics outside of the art world which serve to make their art more interesting. The following are images which relate to different topcs that I have an intrest in.

A lot of art work that I have created deals a lot with Africa and Kenya. When my twin sister went over to South Africa for a mission trip, she came back with tear dropping stories. The images of children seem to be my favorite because I feel that when you look into their eyes, you understand waht they are going through. I think when images like these are created, viewers HAVE to stop and study it.

If you first glance at the artwork, you don't think it is anything special. But Chuck Close paints his portriats with a unique style of combining colors and a grid form. I have done a portrait of my boyfriend in his style ( which seemed to take ages) and I plan on using his style more and more.

I am not sure if after high school years that pointallisms are cliche or not, but they intrest me enough to keep doing them. I've done over ten images of people in pointillisms, and even though they take just as long as the Chuck Close style; when you stop and look at it when you are was all well worth it. I think pointillisms with pin create a unique detail that not even pencil can create.

This image makes me smile every time I look at it because I couldn't even image how he did this. Mc Esher's unique style is a style that I am intrested in studing and trying to use as a lift to create my own style. His "eye picture" is also very intesting to me, and I have borrowed his idea and changed it for my own artwork.

Self portraits! This is something that as a future arist, that I hope to get better at. I believe something harder to draw other than people, is yourself.

I'm not really intrested in this image, but I am intrested in the subject: death. I am intrested in drawing what people don't want to see. Mainly because I don't know, and I belive other pople don't know what really goes on after death.

Images with childrens or babies hands against adults are very interesting to me. The hands show the life span from early birth to adulthood, which opens a wide variety of interpretations.

Since I grw up on a 76 acer farm, landscapes of farm settings seem to intrest me also. It is something that a lot of people think is an good subject in a painting because not everyone has lived on a farm. The picture gives them the sense that they have been on one..if you paint it right. ;)

Water drops and fluid I believe always make for interesting images. One because they are "see through", and two is because you can play with water or any fluids color to make it more interesting.

Lastly, I enjoy penciling, watercoloring, charcoling, sculpting, and even painting leaves. I think no matter what medium you use, the viewers naturally creates the color and texture of leaves because we have all jumped in a pile of them sometime inour lives. If you look closely, leaves have more detail that a lot of things in this crazy world.
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