In this positive/negative image it is difficult to determine which is the positive and which is the negative space. We call this kind of positive/negative image ambiguous space

When the figure and ground are equally well designed, every square inch of the image becomes engaged. In Bill Brant's photograph, the dark negative shapes define the positive figure while the brightly lit arm and face define the edges of the dark ground.

M.C. Esher was master of figure ground reversal. The figure ground reversal creates another kind of force, the positive and negative shapes fight for attention. Here, the white fish seem to be the positive space, but then as you move your eyes up the painting, the white fish become the negative space and the black birds become the postive.

This positive negative image uses figure ground reversal. The images have equal weight so they keep switching back and forth.The mad is black, but his hands are white and makes you wonder which is positive and whichi is negative.

If you don't understand postive and negative space in the other images, you should in this simple picture. The black chairs are the positive space, and the white background around the chairs is the negative space.

This image is a high positive/negative reversal. In this picture. the image seems to be cut out, and then fac which is black goes through a perceptual shift. The face, which should be the positive space, shows to be the background.

In this image, there is a big sign of figure ground universal. The face on the women tends to switch from the negative image to the positive because of her different colored hair.

Not only is the positive negative technique used in art work, but logs and designs also. Here, the white L is te positive and the black is the negative. but on the A, the black is the positive, and the white is the negative.

I think everyone knows what this image is, and I bet alot of people don't realize that this is also a form of negative and positive space. You can't really tell which is positive and which is negative because both parts make of the image.

Positve and negative images also don't always ahve to be black and white. In this picture of a bike, the bike is the positive space, the background is the negative. Even the space between the wires in the wheel is the negative space.